

Why must I always do this to myself?
What you may ask….get my hopes up.
I dont know why I do well I mean I have an idea.
I am a very optimistic person, but I really should try not to get my hopes up so high anymore.
I may be nice and seem to be happy all the time but its not easy all the time and sometimes I hate to admit its just an act because if you think if you have and hopes, small or minor dreams crushed broken and dropped you cant be so happy every minute of the day and it can be anything that mess up the dream.
Even though right now its when promises are broken and even if the next time I see the people that break promises but inside I will still be upset or sad and forced to remain the happy and optimistic person I have always been because well that’s just who is Ciggy is.

Much love but I really should get back to work and stop dwelling on this.