
Happy Single’s Day!!

As we all know yesterday was the lovely Valentine’s Day. For some people that is a day of pure bliss and happiness. For some people that is a day of dredfulness and pain and for others they choose to ignore it and treat it like just another day. Yesterday me and my friends were each other’s valentines and we went to the movies and the mall and just had a good time for like a girls night out!

I am still a super romantic but truthfully I do believe Valentine’s Day gets much more significance than it should. People should not feel sad if they are single however Valentine’s day like pushes couples and romance in everyone’s faces and if you are single can make you feel absolute miserable.

I choose to make the best out of every situation and regardless if I had a Valentine or not I was going to treat myself. But today is everyone’s day single or coupled you are still an individual and I hope and wishes that everyone remembers to take a moment for themselves.

Love you all and Happy Singles’ Day!!!

Oh and Happy President’s day as well!!

Much love Always
~ Ciggy