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The List

So, I was talking with my roommate the other night and we happen to discuss “the list.” You know the list I am talking about, the one people make movies about. The one most women tend to have in an effort to find the one. Well it just so happen that I did not have a list so she encouraged me to start my own. This at first seemed a bit tough because I am pretty open when it comes to the opposite sex but I decided to start mine anyway so here goes:

Ciggy’s List

– be determined (have dreams and should be working on achieving them or achieving them)
– be social (I love to spend time with my friends and others so you should not feel awkward around others)
– believe in God (I am Christian)
– be family-oriented (even if not close with your own family, you would or should want that)
– good sense of humor (everyone needs to laugh)
– respectful (enough said)
– have your own morals and standards for who you are with (he should not settle for any person)
– caring and understanding
– (this is quite shallow now but I would prefer if he was 6ft or taller) I am 5ft 7in so I like him to be taller and this is an ideal list so I might as well just go for it (but truthfully I have liked people shorter than me as well) [the height would just be a bonus ;)]

Ok so this is my list for now so if there is someone reading this out there tell me whatcha think. Is it too much, not enough, or what? If you (male or female) have your own list tell me some things that are on it I would love to hear.

So until next time much love till later,
Yours truly,