day by day,  dreams,  goals,  living in the present,  time

Day by Day

Two summers ago I had the wonderful opportunity to live right in the heart of the city that never sleeps: New York City! During my time there I got a chance to dabble in my favorite past time of musical theater and see Godspell! A wonderful musical telling a few of the stories of Jesus and his disciples and enacting parables from the Bible all leading up to the moment that Jesus Christ gave his life for us. It was a wonderful story and one of the songs that stick out from the musical is Day By Day (sung by Anna Maria Perez de Taglé).

I am realizing that I need to live like that: day by day. I am a big dreamer and I have tons of dreams that I hope to accomplish and they are big and grand! Some may even call them unrealistic but I believe they are all in reach…someday. Which is the problem my dreams are so far in the future and present in my head that I am not living in the current moment and embracing the wonderful moments that are happening right now.

I plan to still have my big dreams because in all honesty…I wouldn’t be me without them but as of now I need to create some short term goals that are attainable and can be seen in the present. One of those goals is to write more and I know I have said that before but this time I plan to take everything day by day or week by week or even month by month….no guarantees but to live in the moment and write what I can when I can.

Until next time,

I’m Ciggy, xoxo