First Kiss
Spring Break to Puerto Rico
Countless Movie Nights in my Apartment with MG Baking
Graduating College
Went to Nashville, TN for my first ACUHO-I internship! Thanks Belmont!
Started Graduate School!
Learned How to Drive!
Bought my first car! Woodstock Bumblebee Gore! Thanks Anthony!
Saw my brother graduate High School!!
Lived in Manhattan during my second ACUHO-I internship! Thanks Juilliard!
Saw my best friend pregnant with her first child!! Baby #2 is now on the way!!!
Graduated from Grad School!!
Went to Vegas to get a job! …And also won money on Roulette!! I love the #4!!!
Went on my first CRUISE….best vacation ever!!! saw my friend get proposed to!!!
Drove across country with my Dad as my co-pilot!! Love my dad but never again (unless he drives the entire time!)
Started my first full-time job with benefits in Flagstaff, AZ! Thanks NAU!
Went to my first adult wedding! Thanks Laura for getting married and inviting me!
Joined an awesome church!
Went to 3 other weddings in my adulthood in one summer! Thanks Teri & Jasimine!
Countless adventures with friends and family everywhere!
Has felt love and suffered the loss of loved ones!
Leased a Brand New Car: Penelope Passionberry Gore!!
Was asked to be a Bridesmaid for the very first time!!
Worked backstage on RENT!!
Sang countless musical numbers: yes I do own all volumes of GLEE Karaoke for the Wii!
And so much more has happened all while watching Glee or listening to my Glee Pandora stations in the background!!
All this to say that I am and forever will be a GLEEK!!!
And I couldn’t end this without putting an image of one of my favorite Glee couples:
Sam & Mercedes
One Comment
Love that your life has had such excitement. Gore bless you Sweetie. Mommy loves you so very much.