
Time to Make Some Real Moves

Today is one of my dear friends’ birthdays. Actually it is a few people that I know so happy birthday to all, but this one particular friend I met back in college freshmen year and we are both grown-ups. We’ve completed college and started careers and our living our lives.

The career I’m currently in is wonderful and I even received a master’s degree to do it.
I have been performing in my career professionally (ie not a student) for the past two years now and I love it. It is definitely not all sunshine and rainbows but I do enjoy it.

Though I love and enjoy it, this is not ALL that I even want to do professionally in my life let alone my personal life (we will save that for another post, though). That being said this is my time to really start pursuing and going after those dreams that I’ve had for forever and a day.

I’m really hoping that this summer is the start of some real changes and efforts made on my part in the right direction to turn my career into all that I dreamed it to be. I can’t just think it, I have to say it and write it and then wait for it actually DO something about it.

Part of me writing this post is to hold myself accountable. Though readers may know, if there are any, that I’ve made promises before particularly in how many posts that I will be writing and have failed. Trust me I’m still figuring out the details and logistics in going after what I want…shoot I’m still figuring out how to define but I want but I know and feel that this is my time.

This post just a small move to some is a big move for me as I’m declaring to all that this summer is one for change and not because a life circumstance is making me (graduating or moving) but because I want to.

So to all thanks for reading and hearing me out…if you have words of wisdom to offer and encouragement phrases and quotes please share.

Until next time, 
I’m Ciggy!