
Long Time No Talk

It’s been way too long and my only excuse which is a lame one is that I let life get in the way. 
Life in the past two years and a quarter has taken me on a couple of big turns! 
Here are the big highlights of my life since my last post:
 Went nearly 18 months without visiting any of my family – worst idea everrr.
Became a Mary Kay Consultant!
Became an Uber Driver! 
Became a member of the great Single Parent Club for academic year 2015-2016 – Insider Joke but my NAU sisters know what I’m talking about – couldn’t of managed that year without them.
Little Bro turned 21, 22, and now 23 years old – he’s not so little after all.
Became the Assistant again of a friend who I shall forever be Ciggy too and watched her business continue to grow!
Finally saw my family!
Bridesmaid for the first time for this amazing couple!
Cruise to Bermuda!!
(That amazing couple I was a bridesmaid for had their wedding on a cruise!)
Move to Dallas, Texas!!
Started working at SMU in Residence Life & Student Housing!
Developed some great relationships with some amazing people @SMU – creating that support network.
Continued to work with my friend in the same state and see her business blossom!
Mini Dallas adventures with my friend who is more like a sister!
My sister’s (see statement above) family welcomed me as their own and I have a great big Dallas family!
Started dating and now in a relationship!
Explored Dallas like a tourist!
NYC family and friends have visited Dallas!

There is much more that I am missing and neglecting to sum up these past months and years but just wanted to catch you up a bit and hope to relaunch CiggyChat soon with more regular posts and updates.

Until next time I am CiggyG!

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