
Reflections & Resolutions

We have reached the end of 2017 meaning in less than 72 hours we will be in 2018!!
Once we are in 2018 (January 25) – it will be officially 10 years since I’ve started blogging – however quite inconsistently – I skipped a whole year of blogging in 2016…crazy!
For me the end of the year is always a time for reflecting on the past and thinking about the future.
This blog of mine does not always get my reflections but I promise I do it and have the journal pages to prove it lol. 
Reflections of the past
As time has moved forward, I have grown and moved several times, received two degrees, finally in my first relationship (YAY!!), connected with more great friends and strengthened bonds and connections, but I find that some of the things I still stressed and was dealing with in college have not change despite me going through it already. 
I still find myself to be overly busy with things and not always sure of its purpose in my life. I still have crazy big dreams and the scary part is that God has even bigger dreams for our lives than we can imagine and I have no clue about accomplishing them and the first step in following His will over my life. 
These past few months have been great but at the same time quite rough. I feel as one or two areas in your life seem to come together two or more other areas seem to fall apart or get dismantled. I have been doing my best to try to give it to God and trust in Him and the people He has placed around me but I won’t lie it is not easy. 
Before I get to my hopes and thoughts for the future I must first Thank God for everything that has led me to today. I know that He is with me in the good, the bad, and the ugly. I know that He is there even when I can’t seem to call out to Him, because I’ve let my feelings get the best of me and despite all that He loves me. I am so thankful for that and I have to remember to say that and think on those promises right now in this moment as I reflect on what has happened in my life and the world around us.
Resolutions for the New Year
I have many ideas and tangible items, achievable goals that I can write for the new year. 
Things that come to mind include:
Running a 5K
Getting a state license in the state I’m in
Reading 2 books a month
weight loss goals
Exercise 3 times a week
Earn more money (through part-time work or new job)
Write Daily (Journals)
Write Consistently (Weekly/Monthly – Blogs)
Connect with my family and friends more frequently (phone calls & letters)
Use the free cruise with my sister Z before the year is out
And the list goes on…

The things above are definitely ones I want to work on and accmplish however the items below are things that I want to be my resolutions daily this year and everyday moving forward:
Trusting in God’s truths over my feelings
Standing on His promises and having Faith in that over the current worldy circumstances
Remembering to Love first and foremost (not just friends/family but all)
To truly forgive and forget as to not hold any grudges
To not worry but to pray and worship daily as God has already provided for what I need.
To seek God first in all my decisions and to hear His re
To state and live out the serenity prayer
To really let go and let God!

I pray that God hears these thoughts and words of mine and that maybe another person out there can also find some good in my daily resolution choices.
Much love until next time and see you in the new year!!