
Happy Birthday…the Big 10!!

Today marks 10 years that I’ve started this blog!!!
Yes, that’s right people it’s time to say “Happy Birthday to Ciggy Chat!!!”
I am super ecstatic to say the least!
We’ve made it to the double digits and though I have not been the most consistent blogger I am excited to make it here!!
I’ve recently been getting back into my writing…for the most part it is old school journaling (you know pen and paper…remember that) which is so good for the soul!!
I have some new writing projects and passions stirring, of course including some more blogging so get ready world cause I’m a coming!!
Be on the lookout for most posts and updates in 2018!!!
Before I sign off, feel free to drop a comment and share what you are excited about in this new year?
What passion is stirring inside of you and just ready to burst out?
I say let it rip, feel free to share with a friend, a close one, a stranger, and hopefully me Ciggy!
Until Next Time,
Much Love Ciggy!!