
Full Day

Today was a great jam packed day!
I started the morning by heading to my church in Carrollton for two events: CovX Training and a Venue Women’s Brunch! 
Both events I had to leave early but what I got from them in the short time was great! 
At the CovX Training we learned about making disciples and how the process of making something isn’t a simple, passive process but intense, deliberate, and intentional.
At the brunch I was able to learn how to make it through in the midst of the storm and get out of it.
After my church-filled morning I headed back to work in Dallas as we had two big events today. As a department we celebrated the end of the year with our current RAs and then my Commons has a retreat with the leaders of the upcoming year.
That was all from 8:30 to 5 today. Phew I was tired but excited that I tackled it all and after all that I got to see my best friend (I call her my sister), her momma (I call her my aunt), and her 1 year old nephew (love him). 
I’m going to call it a night and close my eyes but just wanted to share my day as I continue you the100dayproject of trying to do 100 blog posts. Today marks day 9 of blogging😊.
Much love 💚 till next time,