Day 22: Ennui & A Rock of Sage Wisdom
The title of this post is reflective of the words I’ve heard today.
Ennui, according to a quick google search, is a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement. This was the word that was used to describe the vibe or energy that I was given from a colleague. It makes me smile because I’ve been told to calm my excitement in the past by the same colleague. I don’t know if that would be the word exactly that I would use but I do understand where they are coming from. The past six months in work and I guess life as well have been an interesting one for me and I have felt pulled through the ringer and in moving forward I realize that I can not put everything on the line as I normally do which has meant that I did pull back on the excitement that I show.
In talking to a supervisor-esque colleague she shared the idea of the immovable rock in your life. She shared with me her “rock”, and how when she made it a priority in her life, it has become who she is to the point that others know and associate her, by her rock. It is a part of her life. In hearing these words, it makes me realize that I do need to establish what is my rock, what is immovable in my life that no one can take from me, and that all those that know me should be aware of…
In a town hall with a candidate today, the candidate asked for advice for someone going into the role. My colleagues definitely make me smile and were all too ready to share advice or as one colleague stated “sage wisdom” with the candidate.
In all honesty, I feel like sage wisdom was shared throughout with all these words today. Even if I am not a fan of the term ennui for me, I love saying the word it is kind of pronounced as “ahn wee” and I hope to keep it in my word bank. Still it gives me perspective on how I am being seen by others. The immovable rock metaphor was definitely sage wisdom and something that has me thinking. The sage wisdom or advice that was shared in the town hall was great because even though I am years away from that role it is a dream type role to be in and it was great to hear these things.
That’s all for now folks!
Until next time, I’m CiggyG!