dream big,  dreams,  faith,  finding your niche,  God,  life,  the100dayproject

Dream Planning & God

I mentioned in the Niche post my personal mission statement and I am so excited that this coming week I am getting to help my own momma set some plans in motion to go after her dreams!!! Be expecting more information in the near future about what she has in store.

On another note…
Lately in the midst of trying to go after my own dreams, I’ve had some negative reactions over minor things that honestly should not upset me. I’ve had to come to terms lately that there are quite a few things beyond my control and in trying to let go of those, I put a lot of energy and emotion into smaller things that I should be able to handle. And believe it or not, something beyond my control will stop me in the small things that I try to manage.

In those moments, I’ve gotten so frustrated at myself and create this negative energy that does not serve anyone any good so I am learning to continue to truly let go and let God take control. I have faith and know that God’s will for my life is even bigger than my own dreams and getting upset over minor issues is only pushing me away from what God has in store.

As of now on this dream journey my next step is to lay out the plans of my dreams and then give them over to God and let Him do what only He can.

That’s all for now folks!

Until next time,
I’m CiggyG

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