16questions,  journal prompts,  life,  the100dayproject,  worth suffering for,  writing

Journal Prompt: 16 Questions – Question 1

This particular journal prompt comes from a list of questions (16 to be exact) that helps to define who you are. It comes from a collection of essays put together by Brianna Wiest: To learn more check out info here. I’ve been told by a good friend that it is a great read and it is on my to read list but I would like to do my best and try to answer them within this blog over multiple posts so here goes nothing:
Question 1: What, and who, is worth suffering for?
Great question (she says as she bides for time to think of her answer/response) but seriously it is a great question. I feel I recently came across a similar question or statement within another book that I mentioned in another post previously The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F***
In thinking about this question it really gets at what do you value most and are willing to go through the suffering and pain for. 
A few things and people come to mind:
My Faith – I am quite fortunate to be in a space where my faith is the majority and not something that I have to suffer through as many in other countries do. However, I believe that I could not make it through each and every day without my God waking me, guiding and leading me, and protecting me through it all. If I had to suffer for my belief and faith, I would.
My Dreams being Achieved – Going after the dreams of my heart (which there are many) and accomplishing the ones that have lived with me for so long. I believe that my dreams are attached to others and that accomplishing them will cause an amazing domino effect. Achieving that is definitely worth suffering for.
My Family – I have a really big and extended family as well as people (friends and their families) that I love and call family that are of no real relation to me. Honestly amongst those people, it is the ones that are really close to me so though it would be clearer to say specific names, I can’t, as I have a unique closeness with different members that depending on the lengths of the suffering and possible points in life they would be totally worth it. 
I should probably go a bit more in depth but I believe that is enough for now, if you have questions, definitely send me a comment below.
As for now I am CiggyG and signing off until next time on Post 34 out of 100