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Journal Prompt: 16 Questions – Question 15

Question 15: If you were to walk through your home and put your hand on every single thing you own, how many of them would make you sincerely feel happy or at peace? Why do you keep the rest?

Definitely, a few things but not everything. Most things in my home do have a memory or story attached which is why I keep them. Some items I do not have a rhyme or reason for keeping but I don’t seem to let go. Sometimes I think it may be because I think there will be a purpose for it in the future or it can be useful for someone else.

I promise I’m not a hoarder but I would definitely stand to do some decluttering in my life and letting go of things that serve me no purpose. I just may need a bit of support from a friend or two to actually get the job done.

How about you all? Are you living the minimalistic life, that of a hoarder, or somewhere in between?
Comment below and until next time,
I’m CiggyG

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