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Journal Prompt: 16 Questions – Question 2

Question 2: What would you stand for if you knew that nobody would judge you?

This is a powerful question and one that I am trying to understand how to answer. 
It appears that this is asking what I would represent or defend without care of judgement. 
Honestly, I am struggling to answer that question, I believe that I would go after a lot of things or dreams if there was no judgement.  For example, I love to sing but I’m no singer but I would do that hands down if I had no one judging me.
I believe this question is asking me to go deeper and I am not sure I have a full answer for this or a developed thought.
In talking to my handsome partner about this we were talking about faith and this is something that it is very salient part of my identity. I don’t believe it is something that I parade around but those that know me typically know that I am a woman of faith and if you read my blog many of my posts have included a prayer. 
I like to think I stand for my faith in spite of the judgment but I may need to look into what other things I may personally stand for or perhaps what I haven’t stood for because of the fear of judgement. 
If you are reading, please feel free to leave a comment and share your thoughts.
I would love to hear.
Until Next Time,
 I’m CiggyG
Post 36 out of 100