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Journal Prompt: 16 Questions – Question 8

Question 8: What are your greatest accomplishments so far?

Automatically, what comes to mind is my education. I have been fortunate to be deemed smart (nerd) throughout my childhood and because of that I’ve accomplished the following in regards to academics:
Receiving multiple trophies/awards in middle school
Participating in the Center for Talented Youth (CTY) program from the ages of 13 through 16
Graduating as my high school’s valedictorian

Getting into college
Graduating college with a double major in business and a theater minor

Getting into a graduate program
Graduating with a masters in education

Outside of my academics, I’ve felt accomplishments in other things such as:
learning to drive in my early 20s
purchasing my first car
driving across the country for my first full-time role
working on a Christmas pageant in my church as an adult
Working a cash register at my church’s coffee shop
being there for others that I care about when I can
getting high fives from the toddlers I encounter through volunteer work or social interactions

These may seem minor to some but for me they give me great joy to say that I’ve accomplished these things.

Until next time, I’m CiggyG!
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