
No Control

For post 33 of a hundred, I am deviating from the Journal prompts to talk about a lack of control.

Life is a wondrous and crazy thing all at the same time. It’s funny as you work to get control over some areas of your life it happens to be at that precise moment when other things happen that you have no power over (with the exception of praying). 
This morning I heard about two things I have no control over dealing with matters of my heart. For those that know me…I have a big heart and I wear it on my sleeve and am connected to so much but these two things involve people really close to me and due to illness and government restrictions I have no human control over protecting them. 
I know at these moments and even not in these moments that we need to call on our Heavenly Father and that prayer is power and I really pray that God hears my cries and prayers as He is the only one that can step in to remedy this situation and give us the strength to handle His will whatever that may be. I pray in Jesus Name that He knows my heart and provides healing and stability in the lives of those that I love.
In Jesus Name, I pray. Amen.
With love until next time, I’m CiggyG