choices,  day by day,  faith,  life,  writing

No Post from June 6, 2018

This is officially Post 35 and it did not come yesterday as I had an eventful day. 
So this post is essentially me sharing the reason for no post yesterday.
I had a networking event and talk that I went to in the morning that was really informative and there was swag and a free great brunch (always a positive).
Following that was a lunch where I was able to catch up with my sister for a moment before heading back to an afternoon of intentional work in my office.
In the midst of the afternoon, I found out that God was hearing my prayers and my close family member that was in the hospital was coming home and doing well!
Following that  I went to meet up with my aunt who was in town for a conference. This is an awesome aunt that I had not seen in I don’t know how long and she was the one that drove me to college all those many years ago before I was even Ciggy!
My Aunt & I
We had a great dinner and I was able to show her around and just catch up – something so awesome to do as I was craving that family connection!
After that I caught up with some colleagues as a favorite trivia night spot and then we played a rousing fun game in celebration of another colleague’s birthday.
By the time I got home it was already the 7th of June but it was a great filled day!
Thanks God for allowing me to have days like this where sometimes a post can’t happen because I am living the life I write about.
Till Next Time, 
I’m CiggyG!