blogging,  day by day,  just keep going,  the100dayproject,  writing

The Next 50 Days

Hi there CiggyChat Readers!

Yesterday was the official launch of!!

Prior to that this blog lived on and I was smack dab in the middle of #the100dayproject where you commit to doing something for 100 days straight. And for me that was blogging. I started this project back in April and should be near the end but due to some hiccups and life distractions, this is only post 51 out of 100. Don’t worry though, I am determined to complete this project and if my calculations are correct this project should be completed by mid to late August as long as everything goes according to plan.

I share that because if you have decided to subscribe (and I sure hope that you do) you may be getting a post a day from me until then. After this challenge, I plan to post only 2 to 5 times a month. If the daily post is a bit too much for you, trust me I completely understand, then I would recommend that you check this site weekly to see what is happening in the blog and the website.

Over the next few months, I hope to refine this blog and make this a better .com experience for you, so I hope that you choose to stay connected with me on this journey and that you share comments or contact me along the way.

Until next time,
I’m Ciggy!

Post 51 out of 100