
Connecting = Networking

I like to think I am a people person. I love getting to meet someone and saying hi and finding a small simple thing that can connect us to one another. It excites me and honestly energizes me. If you haven’t guessed it yet, I’m a bit of an extrovert. A bit may be an understatement for those that know me really well as I most recently scored a 98% on my extrovertness level in a personality test (I would highly recommend taking it….it provides some great insights).

This past week, I had some great opportunities at connecting with new folks. Those both within and out of my current field of work. In the midst of that I am furthering my relationships with those I know and I am truly great for this chance to connect with the people that I come across.

It’s funny, I remember in my business classes the stress or importance put on networking. The triple repetition of “network,network, network” comes to mind as I think back to those days. Networking seemed like this intimidating thing that one needed to conquer and master, until I realized that networking is simply connecting with someone. It’s connecting with others and forming a relationship. That is something, I feel we were all created to do and something I believe we do without even thinking at times. Sometimes, you strike a conversation with a person you meet at the grocery store, the receptionist from your doctor’s office, the passenger next to you on the flight. Friends when yo do that you are in the first steps of connecting and if I dare say it expanding your network.

To sum up my thoughts for this post, I love to connect and going with my logic I love to network.

Until next time,

I’m CiggyG

Post 69 out of 100
