
Free-write Sunday – July 8, 2018

I think “Free-write Sundays” will become a tradition moving forward.

It’s Sunday, which is an interesting day, some consider it the end of their week, while others the kickstart of the week. For me it is a little both and. At this time of the week, I’ve typically experienced a lot these past 6 days and need time to process and reflect. While at the same time, tomorrow is Monday which is the typical start of the work week and so I have to refocus my mind and calendar for what is coming.

On days like this it is good for me to just write it out and kind of empty my brain for a refresh and a reboot.

This past week was filled with personal ups and downs more ups though than downs, talks with many family members and close friends, dog sitting & walking, new movies, and the possibility of new opportunities.

This coming week has work trips, conference calls, planning, and following up on the new opportunities.

It is getting kind of late so I must depart until we meet again friends…

Much Love,


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