
June G&V Prompts – Part 1

Hi there readers,

As mentioned yesterday I decided to take a moment to do some journal prompts and today is part 1 of 3 so here goes…

What moments in your day make you feel stuck?

It’s the small moments that I can’t seem to control that make me feel stuck. Or the silly things that you think you should be able to fix in a quick minute or two that take 20 to 45 minutes and it trips you up.

Instead of rushing through monotonous moments, how can you lean in and create space for working, creating and serving in communion with God?

Honestly, I think it is taking a real pause and then asking God to step in and lead the way is how you’re able to stay connected with Him. You have to physically invite God into your life and state that you need Him to make it through.

I am thankful for today’s prompts and they remind me that I have to constantly invite God’s presence into every day and every dream that I’m dreaming.

Until next time,

I’m CiggyG

Post 59 out of 100
