
June G&V Prompts – Part 2

If you are just joining in today, please make sure to check out the posts from July 2nd and July 3rd to follow along.

Is there purposeful time each day for something you love that fills you and refuels your spirit?

I need to be a bit more intentional in my planning to create the space and environment to do them. As of now, there are things that I may do daily that I enjoy or love and if I give them the proper time it would refuel me but as of now it is just something to check off a personal to do list. At one point I thought that checking intensity off a to do list would fill or satisfy me but lately I am learning that is not always the case.

In your daily routine, where do you see beauty? In your commute, during a coffee run, in your children’s play?

For me it is the small things that I come across that I see beauty. Seeing the moon during the daytime, a quick chat marked with laughter from a family member or close friend, the occasional smile or pleasant greeting from a colleague, acquaintance or even a stranger in the store.

Readers, please share your responses to the questions in the comments section.
I would love to hear from you.

Much love till next time,

Post 60 out of 100
