day by day,  journal prompts,  kindness,  life,  living in the present,  the100dayproject

June G&V Prompts – Part 3

Where are their opportunities to connect and encourage someone? At checkout, the copy machine, during a playdate, after you put your kids to bed?
In the midst of heading to and from meetings, while I grab my lunch or encounter a campus visitor. I am learning that these prompts are all about making every moment count, not necessarily to get a to do list item done but to be a member of the community I am in and to have a positive impact in the lives around me.

How can you change your focus on some of these tasks in your day to see them as purposeful opportunities to encourage someone or find beauty?
I think the answer to this question for me is aimed at my mindset and attitude. It is about re-definiing how I see the hours of the day, is it to check off a to-do list or be someone that makes an impact, that is encouraging, that embraces the beauty? I’m thinking it is the latter.

That concludes the June journal prompts that I gained from the Grit & Virtue emails.

Hopefully, you followed along with the prompts and I hope to hear from you in the comments below.

Until next time,
I’m CiggyG

Post 61 out of 100
