faith,  passion,  the100dayproject,  time,  wants


Is defined in the following ways:

Passion is one of my favorite words. Quite often, I like to describe myself as a passionate person. I believe it has pros and cons. Honestly the cons come into place with the second definition from above that barely controllable piece can easily get you into trouble or have you doing something you might regret. However on the whole, it is a great fuel that motivates you and pulls you to do the work that you need, want, and ultimately crave to do.

To operate without passion to me is one that I can’t quite get behind and the moment that I feel that the passion has left the door, I no longer feel like myself or that I am in the right place to be myself.

Today’s post was prompted by one of my reading selections at the moment: EntreLeadership by Dave Ramsey.

This is a great book so far that I’ve only now begun to dive into (I feel embarrassed to say that I’ve had it for about 3 years and just this past month started to open it.) As the book title may indicate it talks about the combination of being an entrepreneur and a leader. As the book begins it gets into this idea of passion which somewhat reignited something in me. You have to read the book to learn more so click here or on the photo above to get it.

I found myself reading this book as I planned to start diving into some old dreams of mine and the content that I am reading is completely applicable to my current life/work situation. It’s funny how as you try to avoid something, the universe or better yet God has a way of bringing you face to face with that same thing.

The world in which I currently reside, I was quite passionate about and as this past year continued it felt as if I had lost it. Moreso, it felt that my passion towards it had been misplaced at the sacrifice of other passions in my life. Ultimately, there are many things that I am passionate about to various degrees of passion which are why those things occupy my life, space, or time. I care about them strongly. When you care for something that strongly and deeply and it feels for naught, you start to question why you had that passion or why you sacrificed so much for it.

Throughout this dreamer’s journey of mine, I am realizing that passion just like a person grows and evolves as well. Though I thought the passion I had was lost or mistreated it truthfully has just grown and I have to model and live it out in different ways than I had in the past. Also, I have to do some passion checks, if you will, so the things that truly matter don’t get lost or forgotten in the passion storm of another subject.

These are my passion thoughts for the day and I would love to know what you are passionate about and how you choose to live it out.

Please comment below and until next time,

I’m CiggyG

Post 70 out of 100
