dream big,  dreams,  life,  passion,  vision boards


Happy Sunday Y’all!

Yesterday, I talked a bit about passion and today I want to talk about vision and the importance of casting it.

According to Google vision can be both a noun or a verb. In noun form it may simply mean the ability to see or an experience of seeing something in a dream. As a verb, it means to imagine. This is my paraphrase version of course but I am a fan of all the definitions that Google shared with the verb definition being my favorite.

Back in the day I used to have this business card that stated the following:

Imagination = Creation

Creation = Endless Possibilities

I still believe that to be true. Having a dream is great but part of the foundation of the dream is the vision. You have to imagine it aka see it even when it doesn’t exist yet. Notice the yet your dream can come true if you have the vision for it to start to bring it into existence.

Once that dream is formed and you start to see it, make it tangible and create a constant physical reminder of what you are going for or after. This is your dream after all, not something to be taken lightly if its of any importance to you.

Putting things down on paper make them that more likely to happen. I wonder what would happen if you were to put it to canvas. If you’ve been with me for some time, you may know where this post is heading…that is right I am talking about vision boards!

I just so happened to have an awesome friend who is going after one of her dreams this summer and will be hosting a workshop on just that in the Dallas, TX area on Sunday, July 22, 2018 3PM to 6PM for a super low cost!!

Vision Boards and NetworkingSign up by July 15, 2018

Today is the last day to sign up, so make sure to do so before it is too late! You definitely don’t want to miss this. I’ll be there as well as my awesome friend and more amazing folks that realize to make their dreams come alive they have to have vision!

Hope to see you there and until next time,

I’m CiggyG

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