choices,  day by day,  faith,  family,  God,  life,  life decisions,  patience,  reflections,  relationships,  the100dayproject

Happy August!

Growing up my momma would greet me each month with a “Happy [insert name of the month]!” With the exception of January and April, it wasn’t really a holiday but it was an attitude that she had which I like to believe has trickled down to my brother and I.

My mom is positive and inspiring and purposely comical in the best sense even when life throws various lemons and obstacles our/her way. My mom has a light within her that only God could have placed there and it is something that I am grateful for.

In stressful times and seasons of my life, I sometimes let life get the best of me and lose that spirit – the one that can remain joyful and at peace in the midst of a storm. I am learning day by day how to stay more connected to that spirit and am so thankful that I had my momma as an example growing up.

As this 88th post comes to an end on the start of this 8th month, I wish you a Happy & Great August!

Until next time,

I’m CiggyG!

Post 88 out of 100


This post is now dedicated to my momma! 

One Comment


    Thank you ALWAYS LOVE YOU MUCH STAY BLESSED. Love you too Netta. SMILE