authentic,  Covenant,  dreams,  faith,  family,  friends,  God,  life,  passion,  relationships,  RenainReslife,  reslife,  time

Balance & Priorities

Personally and professionally I’ve been struggling with this topic of finding the right balance and prioritizing what when.

In this day and age with social media and instant gratification everything appears to be a priority. Whatever is asked is expected to be simply answered or made top priority but how does one do that when they are pulled in several different areas.

My specific work is unique where I live where I work so it’s often a fine line of balancing my business day versus my personal time. The worlds blend as I often may socialize with my colleagues and more often than not I’ll respond or work on “work projects” from the comfort of my couch.

Outside of my work life, there are other aspects of my life that I’m working to balance:

  • Strengthening my Faith
  • My church & volunteer involvement
  • Connecting with my family (out of state)
  • Connecting with my friends (out of state)
  • Connecting with my friend/family groups in state (not associated with my work)
  • Home & Housework
  • Health & Nutrition
  • My Passions/Hobbies
  • Pursuing my personal dreams

I’m realizing that my faith or more important my relationship with God is something that has to be a number 1 priority in and within all areas of my life.

I’ve been working to put in practice daily praying to Him, putting on tunes that invite Him into the atmosphere, and defaulting to God as my first response when I’m struggling with this balance issue.

It’s not an easy journey but it’s a journey I can only do with Him in order to do and be all that He’s called me to be.

Until next time,

I’m CiggyG leaning on Him to get me through it all!