Two Weeks Later…
Hi there CiggyChat Readers!
I apologize for being MIA these past 2 weeks. I went out of town to visit family that I have not seen in 2 years and in the midst of that trip I got sick. Truth be told, I am still a bit sick but definitely better than when I started.
So in these past 2 weeks, I had a chance to be with family and rest “doctor’s orders”. Though I hate being sick I am grateful for this time as it kind of forced me to slow down and think about what’s important and try to get my head back into this dreamer’s journey of mine.
During this time, I have had a chance to read, pray, and write (personally) as well as talked to loved ones. These things that I value so much I tend to let slip away due to the busyness and humdrum of everyday life and work and for the sake of routine. A routine, that I “crave” yet never seem to attain as life does not work on a repetitive schedule. And honestly that is the best part of life that it changes and evolves. That we grow and mature…
As I bring this post to a close I would like to share that the remainder of this year will be very dream-focused. I plan to do some redesigning and formatting of this website. Attending more webinars/workshops to help me in my roles, crafts, and passions. In addition to that, my family and friends around me have a lot of dreams on the verge of reality and I hope to highlight that here on this blog and support them in person.
Looking forward to sharing more updates with you in the future!
Until next time,
I’m CiggyG