Christmas,  dreams,  RenainReslife,  reslife

28-27 Days till Christmas!

Disclaimer: This post started 28 days till Christmas but somewhere along the line it became 27 days.

Hi there friends,

The writing challenge continues and today is officially 28 27 days till Christmas!

Update on Holiday Events

As I shared last night, I have roughly 13 or so events that I need to prepare for with all the gift exchanges and gatherings. I shared that Ebates is definitely one of my go to spots for online shopping but another place that I use frequently is Amazon. Particularly Amazon Prime is the resource that I use to help me beat the crazy lines in person and get all the white elephant presents that I need in time for the event.

Outside of prepping for these events, the other hat I wear is my #RenainReslife hat and that means…

Closing & End of Year Tasks

This is the official last week of classes here at the university I work. We have a few more days of classes, followed by a couple of reading days and about a week of finals. At the end of the finals my building closes for the winter break.

Under the reslife hat that I wear, we have a couple of holiday and de-stress events to plan, meetings with various constituents from students to colleagues and committees, And quite a few tasks that go into making sure all the t(s) are crossed and i(s) are dotted.

It is definitely a busy season of the year so please wish me luck as I juggle all that is coming up and strive to move along this dreamer’s journey.

Until next time,

I’m CiggyG

27 Days to Christmas