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19 Days till Christmas!!

We are officially in the teens of our countdown till Christmas!!

These past couple of days have been a bit nonstop (similar to this season):

21 days to Christmas I had a full day of meetings, appointments, errands to run, and a community holiday function. It was a day filled with highs and low including some great discussion, hard conversation, mild frustrations, lost packages, flat tires, positive staff bonding, and quality time with good people.

20 days to Christmas I had a work study break event, car issues to tackle, a bag to pack, and a plane to catch, and friends to catch up with once I arrived.

19 days to Christmas (that is today by the way) I showered and went to bed at the top of the day and a few short hours later arose to head to a conference at my alma mater. It was day filled with meeting new folks, connecting with colleagues, and key takeaways. Following that it was a night of laughs, friends, and conversations.

There is still a few hours in the day but I think I will take a moment to pause and reflect on what has happened. As well as reimagine and reach for what is to come. Those three words were the theme of the conference I attended today #RESAC18.

Until next time,

I’m CiggyG

Counting down till Christmas