choices,  Christmas,  family,  friends,  RenainReslife,  reslife,  time

22 Days till Christmas!!

Hi there friends,

It’s 22 days till Christmas!

This past weekend kicked off the events of the season.

White Elephant Gamble
Saturday was my first holiday event of the season and it featured a true white elephant gift exchange where in this case the rules are anything goes – meaning it does not need to be a brand new gift but something from your own home.

My gift that I brought was very kid-friendly as I knew their would be kids at the event as a family was hosting this party. The recipient for my gift was an 8 year old! So for a family friendly gift exchange, you may expect some strange odds and ends, bottles of wine, random decorations, tupperware, and the like. I ended up leaving the game with something perhaps a bit too adult for a family friendly white elephant.

My first gift was a pair of cool socks and these lotto tickets #winning right but in true white elephant form someone stole that gift. Instead of stealing someone else’s I chose to unwrap another gift. This one was quite different. As I opened the small box, trying to announce to the nearly 50 people present what new white elephant treasure I’ve come across, I thought it was a black figurine of some sort. However as it came into light it was a wall holder/hook of the adult variety. It was a black stick figure hook fully excited…if you know what I mean.I would show photos but I’d rather not have that live on the site…lol.

Beauty Pop Up

My next event was at a cousin’s house where we tried beauty and skin care products at home with beauty counter. It was a fun time to hang out with family and friends, snack, and see the latest in the #twerkinggrinch challenge with Schooling Talent! Seriously friends, post your Green twerk on instagram…tis the season.

Holiday N Hang

After the Beauty Pop Up, my community in my #RenainReslife world has an annual tradition titled Holiday N Hang where we have tons of sweets, partake in hot chocolate and the like, and enjoy a holiday movie together!

Overall a great weekend and this week has more in store…

Until next time,

I’m CiggyG