
7 Days Till Christmas

Hi there friends!

The past few days have been nonstop and like a roller coaster.

My mom has been in and out of the hospital. I’ve been sick for about a week and counting. Health and basic necessities have been compromised for me and those close to me. Prayers, chats and random visits with family and friends have been had on all accords.

Holiday events, lunches, and parties with gift exchanges have come and gone.

In my reslife hat, I’ve closed my community for the winter break, had to say goodbye to a staff member and hire another one. And deal with lots of random financial issues around programming and promotional items. Though I’m sitting at an airport to head a 1000+ miles away for the holiday I will definitely still be working for a little bit longer on these things.

Feelings of frustration, exhaustion, excitement and glee have happened amongst tears, laughter, strange looks, and smiles.

Overall it has been quite a whirlwind this holiday season and we still have a week to Christmas!

In all this, I’m keeping the hope and belief that God has something grand in store and literally around the corner. These crazy roadblocks along the way feel like the enemy attacking. I promise that in this season when Christ is the reason I will not let the enemy will still my joy.

Until next time,

I’m CiggyG