Covenant,  dream big,  dreams,  faith,  goals,  God,  just keep going,  life,  moves,  patience,  time,  writing

Happy New Year!

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It’s Day 7 of the New Year and the new year brings a great time to reset and put in some new action plans for all your dreams for the year. What I call dreams you may refer to as resolutions or goals.

For me I always have a dream if not several brewing in my mind and so as this year starts I don’t have any new resolutions but perhaps a new mindset as I work towards achieving the dreams of my mind.

My plan is to create action plans towards all my dreams and just make the small necessary steps as I can towards making these dreams my new reality.


I’ve learned from past dreams that I have fulfilled is that they don’t necessarily have a certain due date to happen. I just know that they are on my heart to happen and it will come in the right time and season it is supposed to as God sees it.

One of these former dreams I speak of is my dream to help run a Christmas Pageant – you know the kind. The one where we share the story of Jesus’ Birth through great costumes and kids acting as sheep, shepherds, wise men, angels, and of course Mary & Joseph.

It was something that I quite loved as a child, and I always imagined that I would be a leader in when I was an older, married adult, as well as a mom. Instead, in my early 20s both single and without a child, I was taking a leadership role and very involved in the church’s Christmas play. It was my first Christmas out of graduate school, working in a state roughly 3000 miles away from my family, and I was a new member at this church. I worked with the kids ministry as a volunteer regularly but somehow I ended up finding the Christmas play that the kids ultimately performed and being asked to be the narrator of the story. Of course I said yes.

As I reflect on that time I remember wanting to do this as a child and stunned at the fact that I got to do this when I did. It was a great experience and literally a dream come true, just not the way I thought it would come to be or play out.


I realize that the dreams of our hearts are there for a reason and if God has given them to you trust that they will come to fruition just maybe not in the way you saw but at just the right time.

Before I sign off for the day, I encourage you to do the following:

  • dream your dreams – write them down – there is power in our words – both spoken and written; 
  • write out the ways/steps to make them a reality;
  • make moves toward those dreams as they come aka follow your plan; and
  • be open and flexible with the timeline and yourself.


Until next time,

I’m Ciggy

Excited about what 2019 has in store!