dream big,  dreams,  faith,  goals,  God,  just keep going,  kingdom,  life,  patience,  time

February Faith Filled

Hi there readers!

It has been about a month since I’ve last posted and it is because time is flying by.

I can’t believe that we are close to the end of February 2019 already.

This past month I’ve had a few realizations and insights and my faith strengthened tremendously.

I’ve been a person of faith my entire life but lately I had these random moments of God showing me that He was listening to me this whole time. It wasn’t that I doubted that He was but they were silly things that I’ve asked for or wanted when I was younger and somehow they are coming to fruition right now.

I have many dreams and requests and I like to believe that I bring them all to God consistently and constantly and though they didn’t come in my timetable, they have come in His timing. This has just strengthened my faith (belief in the unseen).

It is not just my dreams either, I am seeing friends and family around me have dreams and prayers answered. Things that people are working on and towards but for some reason it was not coming to plan and then God moves and things just happen in the way He ordained it.

The dreams yet to be achieved or just that yet to be achieved and seen but they are not impossible.

Wishing that your faith stays on full as you continue this dreamer’s journey!

Until next time,

I’m Ciggy