authentic,  choices,  dream big,  dreams,  faith,  family,  friends,  goals,  God,  life,  wants

Happy New Year!!

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Hi Fellow Dreamers!!

Pardon the late post but I did want to say Happy New Year to my readers and fellow dreamers! This New Year has been an interesting one. I feel as if I have a God-peace within me right now though there are quite a few things up in the air that would normally make me a freaked out Ciggy!

I haven’t quite made real resolutions yet but there are a few goals and things I am hoping for in 2020:

  1. Spending time with God more: I am a Christian and honestly need to make sure that I am connecting with Him on the daily and often to stay focused and pursue the dreams and will of God in my life.
  2. Stress less: Cue the Serenity Prayer and not worrying about things I cannot change. What I can do, just doing.
  3. Finances: Eliminate Debt,  Increase Income,  and Save More – this is constantly a goal but 2020 and beyond, I have a few big plans in store that I want to be ready for!!
  4. Friends and Family Relationships: Tend to them by staying connected a bit more. Reaching out and following up.
  5. Love & Dating: Be open but have discernment and pray over this.
  6.  Health and Fitness: Work out more – do the things you love like walking, dancing or kickboxing. Pay attention to what you eat aka cook more #ChefCiggy is making a come back this year!
  7. Dreams: Continue to have them, big and over the top. Just remember to get there by setting up some SMART goals along the path.

That is all for now but I would love to hear from my fellow dreamers about what’s on your list for 2020 to accomplish and start, or even what you are letting go from the past. Please comment below.

Until next time,

I’m CiggyG