Black Dreams Matter
Ciggy Chats #BlackDreamsMatter
It saddens me that in 2020 I have to write a post titled “Black Dreams Matter” but in light of what’s going on in the world, there was no way I couldn’t write this. The recent injustices and murders that have happened towards black people are far from new and have been happening for way too long…
Honestly, it’s really difficult to even write this post right now… there are so many different feelings running through my mind of being shocked, sad, upset, angry, confused, hurt, nervous, anxious, and even hopeful. Hopeful seems like it doesn’t belong in the mix of words I just used, however, I have to have faith that we are moving toward a better place and a world in which videos like the one below don’t have to be made.
This video is a remixed version of Keedron Bryant’s singing I want to live today that was shared with me by my mom.
It is a powerful video to me, that you have a young man, not quite a teenager, singing a song titled I want to live today. It’s crazy to me that this song needs to be said but it does…
As a black person, we MUST say that our lives matter, that we want to live today, that our dreams matter. This doesn’t mean that other lives don’t it just means that ours is still being treated as less than. How can all lives matter when so many black people have had their lives discarded while being wrongfully accused, unarmed, or just sitting in their own home. It doesn’t make sense.
MLK Jr.’s I have a dream speech is something that I thought we had achieved and though progress has been made, many things still need to change. I have a dream for the day when the color of our skin is not the barrier or obstacle we have to overcome in order to live and pursue our dreams.