dreams,  faith,  family,  friends,  God,  gratitude,  time,  writing

Happy Thanksgiving

Hey there dreamers,

This year has been a strange one to say the least. It was full of surprises and things that we’ve never dealt with and things that we wish we never have to deal with again. In the midst of the shock and lows that happen this year, God was always there, finding ways to bless us in the midst of the storms.

A we celebrate Thanksgiving this year I encourage you to take a moment to pause and reflect on all that you have to be grateful for. According to Google, “gratitude is the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and return kindness.”

So dreamers, What are you grateful and who are you grateful for? As you take time to think about this, go the extra step and write it down. This would be a great reminder for you to refer to and go back to on your not-so-great days or just when you need a pick me up.

For the people you are grateful for, I’d also encourage you to let them know. Gratitude can be contagious and that is something worth passing on. For this season, remainder of the year, and everyday I pray that we have a heart and attitude of gratitude as we move through life.

This Thanksgiving may be a little different for you and I wish you a safe and wonderful holiday!

Until next time,

I’m Ciggy