authentic,  dream big,  dreams,  faith,  God,  life,  time


Hi, there dreamers!

Can you believe it is 2021 already? In fact, it is already the 2nd month of the New Year and time is just flying by. With the start of a New Year (new month, new season) I always tend to feel a new sense of purpose and motivation to achieve my dreams. This year I definitely feel that my dreams are closer than ever to coming to fruition and with that, if I’m honest, a sense of anxiousness and nervousness come to me…am I really ready for all that I dream of?

My sister once told me that once the dream comes the real work begins. Our dreams are not these standstill ideas that just end with a happily ever after. I personally love a good fairy tale ending but when it comes to our lives and reaching our dreams they begin a new story, a new chapter. Our dreams grow and evolve with us.

This idea both excites me and scares me a little of the next step, hence my favorite phrase, “excitified” (combo of excited and terrified). This is honestly a more accurate description of what I’m feeling at the start of 2021. Excited that my dreams are within reach and attainable and a bit scared but excited nonetheless to see how it will actually come to be.

Despite this feeling I’m keeping my eye on the vision and trusting that God will be guiding my steps and that His will will ultimately be done.

I’m curious to know, fellow dreamers what are you excited or nervous or excitified about as 2021 begins? Please share your comments below. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

And until next time,

I’m Ciggy

One Comment

  • Yvette Gore Graham

    Praise the Lord it is a happy new month February I just read Psalm 38 in Bible study last night and it shows me a lot of how David suffered with his Behavior with Bathsheba
    and Also the calculated murder of her husband Uriah he is wallowing in self-pity and loathing of his self when he abused his power and lost sight of God‘s path for him so I don’t want my life to be worthless I don’t want to feel God‘s wrath but I want God to hold me console me but I know I won’t escape without blemish or discipline so I thank God for my life I have apologize humbly for all that I did not do according to his will and I asked forgiveness of my children for all that I didn’t give to them but I thank God for me being able to introduce them to God and to know where to turn for all things and to keep him first
    I’m going to turn right on back to Jesus I thank God and I pray that my dreams my real true dreams are in His will. I pray for the dreams of my children as well. God bless you Rena Gore you are an inspiration to me. I pray I was strength in the Lord stay blessed and stay safe my sweetie