authentic,  dreams,  living in the present

It’s a Pizza Party Day!

Hey there dreamers!

Did you know that Friday (May 21) was Pizza Party Day?

I didn’t know at first but it is…fun fact there is practically something to celebrate every day of the year. You can learn more about the national days here.

I’ve technically been celebrating Pizza Party Day since May 15 when I had the opportunity to attend Dallas Pizza Fest as a VIP guest covering the event! Y’all it was a dream I didn’t even know I wanted coming true!

Cue Backstory:
Ever since I was a little girl I have loved pizza! It’s not my favorite food (that’s reserved for white rice…more on that later), but it’s close to the top. When I lived in NC my godmother and I would frequent the mall and have a NY-style slice from one of the local pizzerias in the mall (that’s the start of my longest dream…more on that later). Then my life changed when I finally moved to the Bronx, NY surrounded by the best pizza in the world and I could have authentic NY pizza anytime. (I’m Team NY Pizza all day!). I loved pizza so much I would even request it as a remedy for when I was sick…it made me feel better (spirit/mind-wise, not exactly health-wise lol).

Fast-forward to the present day when I live in Dallas, TX where even though it’s not all NY-style pizza there are some pretty impressive pizza shops and I always welcome the chance to try the various types!

Dallas Pizza Fest exposed me to some of the locals I had tried before like

Serious Pizza,


But it also exposed me to some new places like
Cavallo Nero Pizza,

Crunchies, a place that serves Pizza Egg Rolls (I’m all about the fusion)!

The event was hosted at Bottled Blonde Dallas

and was filled with great fun and enjoyment from clowns at the show to fun pizza hats, pizza-eating contests, and people just having a wonderful time!!

I am excited to have been a part of this event and looking forward to next year’s 4th Annual Dallas Pizza Fest!!!

Dreamers my pizza celebration didn’t end there…later in the week I had the opportunity to try Delucca Pizza! This was a great place that served various style pizzas both savory and sweet that come to your table and you just get to eat till your heart’s content.

My fave is still a classic pepperoni!

If you happen to be in the Dallas Fort Worth area make sure to stop by one of the great venues listed above for a piece of the pie! This was the week of my pizza dreams come true and I’m looking forward to the next dream achieved!!

Until next time,
I’m Ciggy