career changes,  day by day,  dream big,  dreams,  family,  friends,  God,  gratitude,  just keep going,  life,  networking,  patience,  reflections,  time

Bridgerton’s Influence

In honor of the latest season of one of my favorite shows, this post should be read in the style of Bridgerton…

Dearest Dreamers,

It’s been quite some time since I’ve caught up with you and all I can say is that this year seems to be moving quite swiftly. I would prefer to catch up with you on a more regular basis but alas that was not in the cards these past few months.

Last we met, I shared that Lady Ciggy has moved to Atlanta, GA in an effort to go after everything that God has in store for her. I will say that Lady Ciggy is continuing to pursue that goal but these first 90 days seem to have been more of an adjustment than our dear dreamer had imagined…

She has been experiencing a transition of sorts as she is learning her new roles, a new city scape, and connecting with the people of the ton.

The new role she embarked upon is one unbeknownst to her that she has prayed for nearly two years ago. Upon her nightly journal entries she wrote of the dream characteristics of her next position and though it did not happen right away…she is in it now.

In the midst of working in one of her dream roles she has been setting up her new estate and making the personal touches just so in her new Atlanta apartment almost ready for a debut for family and friends.

Outside of day to day responsibilities that come with home and work life she is still making moves and connections to go after her various dreams while trying to explore the community and locate a new home of worship in this new city.

It’s been what feels to be the ordinary day in and out but there is something underneath the surface, God is steadily at work in your life and preparing you for your next step and what His will has called for. Lady Ciggy and I hope many others are grasping that each day serves a purpose from learning a new skill, mastering a task faster, putting in a hard days’ work, connecting with a close one, or simply just resting it is meaningful.

Until next time dear dreamers, keep moving forward, and I’ll be waiting to hear what dream sparks next…

Lady Ciggy