authentic,  blogging,  career changes,  dream big,  dreams,  faith,  family,  friends,  goals,  God,  gratitude,  life,  reflections,  relationships,  time,  writing

Reflections & Intentions

To be read in the style of Bridgerton-ish circa March 2022’s post

Dear Dreamers…

It is the 31st of December, Year 2022. I can’t quite believe it, can you? Today is the last day of Year 2022…which means, dear readers, it is time for reflections…

This past year was a whirlwind for Lady Ciggy indeed. Earlier this year I recounted about my move to a new city at the top of the year in the post New Year, New City and though I hadn’t clearly spelled out all goals or resolutions for the year the main focus was to move forward towards my dreams and living out God’s will for my life, and that my fellow dreamers, did in fact happen…

Throughout the year though my correspondence was sparse there were updates along the way…

In our 3rd month of the year I spoke of the transitionary period I was embarking in setting up a new estate, embarking on a new role in a new place, and the adjustments that were coming along the way….

I took a moment in May to give much honor and respect to all the mothers of the town.

At the start of this autumn season I finally had a moment to share a bit of the dreams on my mind and progress towards them and just last month how grateful I am.

As I look upon this past year there are a flurry of emotions and thoughts that come to mind from ups and downs to new experiences to joys to celebrating my Jesus year birthday, spending quality time with family and friends, reaching new levels in my companies and career, and just expanding my faith. In this past month, I’ve continued to grow and push towards personal and career goals and even set my intentions for this upcoming year.

I won’t lie I have a lot of plans for year 2023 but that shouldn’t surprise you…as you know I’ve been a bit of a dreamer for a long time and the best thing dream keeps growing and evolving as I do and God blesses me with another day.

As I head into this new year I must continue to move in faith over any type of fear of the unknown and trust and act wholeheartedly in God’s will over my life…

I pray dear readers, fellow dreamers, that you too move forward in faith, be brave, and trust in His plan over your life.

As always I would love to hear and connect with you so please do share your reflections of the past year and your intentions for this new one in the comments below.

Until next time,

I’m Lady Ciggy

…and wishing you a very Happy New Year’s Eve!