blogging,  dream big,  dreams,  faith,  God,  gratitude,  just keep going,  life,  living in the present,  recap,  time

God’s Timing

God’s Timing

Hi there dreamers!

I know it has been a serious minute since we last spoke. In this case when I say minutes its been about 5 months and that is crazy long.

When I first started this blog it was just something for me to write, you know casually, whenever I had the urge or had a moment. Somewhere along the line I decided to do a 100-day writing challenge and in that time I decided to truly make my blog it’s own .com and that is when “A Dreamer’s Journey” came into the scene.

Over the years I’ve gone back and forth on declaring new writing/posting goals like once a month or every other month or at least once a quarter but life has a way of getting in the midst…or is it God’s timing?

This post is inspired by a few things actually.

For starters this image that I came across on Instagram by @lerevelondon…I don’t know them but one day I came across one of their posts on IG and just had to follow.

This particular post I even shared on my story because it is so true….God’s timing is best and it almost never comes when we want it but it comes right when we need it and it’s typically in a way that you know it’s only Him!

So this image got me thinking…

…And lately I feel like I’m in a deja vu moment. I think I like using the word deja vu but honestly it’s probably more like a redo that God is given me in this season! It’s strange I’m in a place where I’m currently getting to do or go after goals..opportunities..DREAMS that I’ve had or were trying to achieve once before but just couldn’t or it wasn’t working out for some reason.

Fast forward to now and it’s like I’m getting to do them in a way that is more balanced or how I actually had envisioned it.

It’s like I wanted those things then but God is giving me this time to do it now where doors are opening…He let me go through things then and now after some time, experience, much needed wise and Godly counsel from close family and friends…it’s like dreams can be activated.

This blog is all about a dreamer’s journey and I am very much still on this journey as I continue to grow the dreams that God has allowed me to start and be a part of as well the new dreams He continues to put in my heart.

As it has been a minute (ahem…5 months) there were like several ideas for posts

  • Books I’ve read
  • New spots and places I’ve gotten to check out in my town
  • Quarterly Year recaps

and you may still see them as they have been started but not finalized just yet… but as the post says it’s not mine but God’s Timing.

Better yet here is what His word says about timing…

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens”

Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NIV)

“He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority.”

Acts 1:7 (NIV)

“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.”

1 Peter 5:6 (NIV)

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

Galatians 6:9 (NIV)

Dear Dreamers I pray that you let God’s will and His Timing lead you in your next steps and I sure hope to hear about what you are up to. Feel free to comment below and definitely connect with me more on my socials: @ciggychat on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook!

Until next time,

I’m Ciggy

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