authentic,  day by day,  dream big,  dreams,  faith,  family,  friends,  goals,  God,  gratitude,  life,  passion,  patience,  reflections,  relationships,  time

Godfidence & Gratitude

Happy New Year Dreamers.

I wrote this in the last few days of 2023 but I still wanted to share…

Wow its that time of the year again, you know the end of the year and I have so much to be thankful for and grateful. It’s honestly been a year of growth and dreams coming true and reaching new levels.

I can say that my faith has been stretched and I’m so grateful because I’m walking in a Godfidence like I’ve never walked in before. Does that mean I’m done dreaming and accomplished every single thing I’ve wanted…no not at all but what it means is that God is moving and His plan is much bigger than mine.

It’s crazy. I moved to this new city because I felt it would allow me to go after some dreams and boy has it ever been a way to push and expand on dreams that I’ve had and maybe let go of or thought were over.

This year I’ve had the chance to start new businesses and reopen an old one. It’s been a blessing to even be able to go after these opportunities and I’m still navigating that new business “entrepreneur hat” but I’m excited to go grow and develop into it.

This year I’ve continued to act and can actually say I’m a paid actress now (by no means am I on celebrity levels like Cameron Diaz, Taraji P Henson, or Candace Cameron Bure) but I’ve actually got paid to be on set and had my name show up in credits in a project or two – this was something that was actually in my wildest dreams and to say I’ve made a go at it (however small) still feels surreal to me.

This year my work has paid off and in my 9 to 5 role I’ve been promoted to a role that may have been skipped over me in the past. I know I’ve done a few actions but it’s God not forgetting his children and He hears us when we pray and truly blesses us in His timing not ours.

This year my personal life has also been pushed, tested, and strengthened. I’m truly learning and embracing the idea behind People come into your life for a reason, season, or a lifetime.

Some relationships from my past this year have truly come to an end and I’ve had to learn and let go of the lifetime dreams I may have had about season and reason people. I won’t lie it was tough but God continues to get me through. Not only does He get me through, He continues to be faithful by providing me time to
1) connect with Him on a deeper level and
2) sending me new people into my life at just the right time…

So as some may have ended; the right relationships have continued to strengthen this year no matter the distance or even time spent apart between chats – these relationships continue to grow and I’m so grateful for these people in my life.

God truly knows what He’s doing, not that I really had a doubt but being human that I am I sometimes worry. I am learning more and more, day by day to let go of the worry and focus on His promises. He provides to those that ask and seek Him and He loves us more than we even can imagine. His ways are not ours and I’m thankful for all of it. For the people and dreams He’s brought in my life, those that have come and gone, the ones that have continue to grow; and the ones He’s yet to introduce me to yet.

So dear Dreamers I’m curious what are you reflecting on and grateful for as this year comes to an end and what are you walking with Godfidence for as we move into 2024.

For it is written in Matthew 7:7(Amplified Bible version)

Ask and keep on asking and it will be given to you; seek and keep on seeking and you will find; knock and keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you.

Until next time

have a happy and healthy new year