• Happy September!

    Hi there fellow dreamers! It has been a moment since I caught up with y’all…actually over a month. This past month has been quite restful, productive and transformative. For those that follow you may know that I am also “Rena in Reslife.” Well nearly 4 months ago I transitioned my career and though I am still “Rena in Reslife” it is a completely different setting. In my previous role August would be one of my busiest seasons where as this past August I actually started the month off with a vacation! It was great and surreal. I took a much needed girls trip on a cruise to the Bahamas! It…

  • Happy Birthday Momma!!

    Everyone please join me in saying Happy Birthday to my momma!!! Today is her 12th birthday (wink wink). We have a secret formula where this makes so much sense! Anyway I just wanted to take a moment to recognize and celebrate the life of this woman. She has been a wonderful mother to my brother, Turtle Will, and I. She has believed in us, encouraged us, and taught us right from wrong. She continues to be a great mom to us though we are both grown adults. She prays over us as we have gone after dreams and new goals even if she didn’t understand our reasoning behind them. Most…

  • Living Now

    Hey Y’all! It’s been a minute since I wrote to you and let me just say that time is flying by…I can’t believe it is already July! Happy New month and early 4th of July to everyone! These past couple of months I have been experiencing a lot of newness in my life and transitions. In all of this I am learning to enjoy the life I have while still going after the one I dream of. You might ask what does that even mean? For me, it is not just living in the future for my dreams, but actually living in the present right now. In all honesty, I have…

  • Almost Mid-Year Reflection

    This has been a beyond whirlwind couple of months!! It was filled with transitions, changes, ups, and downs. There were celebrations of new things and dreams being achieved but also loss and the end of others. This past month I had a major switch in my career…meaning I got a new job and simultaneously left another one. It was and still is a crazy transition. After 12 years of living on a college campus, #RenainReslife, I am now living in an apartment! It’s gorgeous and surreal and I still can’t quite believe it. My family is growing and staying connected more which I love as I’m physically away from them…

  • New Phase of the Journey

    Hi fellow journeyers! It has been a minute since I wrote here. I have been preparing and praying for my next phase and well God is ushering me into it right now. This month is my birthday month and well I have come into the next decade which is already a major new phase all on its own. Basically within the same week, my “off campus” apartment has been solidified and I got a job offer outside of the college campus that starts next week! This came earlier than I anticipated but I am so grateful for what God is about to do. It is His will not mine that is…

  • February Faith Filled

    Hi there readers! It has been about a month since I’ve last posted and it is because time is flying by. I can’t believe that we are close to the end of February 2019 already. This past month I’ve had a few realizations and insights and my faith strengthened tremendously. I’ve been a person of faith my entire life but lately I had these random moments of God showing me that He was listening to me this whole time. It wasn’t that I doubted that He was but they were silly things that I’ve asked for or wanted when I was younger and somehow they are coming to fruition right…

  • 11 Years!!

    That’s right we are officially an 11 year old blog! January 25, 2008 was the very first Ciggy Chat post!! Back then we were on .blogspot.com however we’ve stepped up over the years…honestly a lot of it happened in this last year. After turning 10 years old we did the following: we started a 100 daily post challenge give or take a few days Day 1….Day 100 turned from ciggychat.blogspot.com to CiggyChat.com established that this blog is about “A Dreamer’s Journey” with a few pop ins of #RenainReslife started a Facebook Group for the blog and its followers connected to Pinterest, twitter, and instagram Throughout this past year you’ve read…

  • Happy New Year!

    It’s Day 7 of the New Year and the new year brings a great time to reset and put in some new action plans for all your dreams for the year. What I call dreams you may refer to as resolutions or goals. For me I always have a dream if not several brewing in my mind and so as this year starts I don’t have any new resolutions but perhaps a new mindset as I work towards achieving the dreams of my mind. My plan is to create action plans towards all my dreams and just make the small necessary steps as I can towards making these dreams my…

  • Merry Christmas!

    aka Happy Birthday Jesus!! Today is the day I’ve been counting down to. On the day that we remember, the greatest gifts we received I hope that you all get to spend the day with those you love and care for. This is a short post today as I’m excited to spend this day with my family, cook and eat some great food, and share in some laughter and smiles. Until next time, I’m Ciggy Wishing you all a

  • 2 Days Till Christmas

    It is 2 Days till Christmas!! I find myself writing to you all from one of my favorite cities: NYC!! This weekend before Christmas, I had other plans in place but due to circumstances beyond my control those did not get to be realized. If I am honest with you the plans I had were mini dreams of mine in the personal department. It involved spending time with someone I care for deeply in one of my favorite places during this merry holiday season another favorite of mine. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to spend it with that person and having that part of that dream taken away hurt and took…