• Leadership

    Lately, I’ve been reading some books around this topic and it truly is invigorating and humbling at the same time. I am currently in a position of leadership yet in both books it discusses the importance of leading sans the title or without the “authority” that seems to come from being the boss. In the latest book I am reading How to Lead when You’re Not in Charge by Clay Scroggins I’ve come across some great points and I still have another half of the book to go. The points that really stick so far are the following: Leading starts without a position Lack of a title doesn’t mean you…

  • Going for it!

    Today, I just received some good inspiration and a reminder to go for it! What is it, you may ask? Well that is different for each person and changes at different seasons in one’s life. A few posts back I shared that I am working with my momma on going after some of her dreams and we have a few things in the making. However, today I became aware of something else this amazing woman is trying to do. Check out the video here to learn what she is going for and support. My momma who just celebrated a birthday yesterday has done some great things in her life and…

  • Planning

    Lately, I’ve been thinking about the future and making plans for it. I shared previously that among my top strengths is Futuristic. So I am constantly thinking about the future. I am the girl that makes 5 and 10 year plans. They don’t always go according to plan but it helps me to have a goal/vision in sight. Generally, I have success or a variation of it that comes from the plan. I typically do this in my work life and was recently asked about what’s next in my personal life. It was a valid question and one I think worth answering but not necessarily one I felt equipped to…

  • Containment Experiment

    Containment I’m not quite sure if that is a word or the right word but it is rather late (Meaning I’m too tired to google it) and it feels the most accurate for what I want to describe, my day. Or better yet how I’ve reacted or tried to react within my day. Today was not a great day or a bad day. It wasn’t blah but it wasn’t stupendous. I don’t think it can be classified as a chill day with all that happened. My reactions today varied as I’m trying to do my best to not overly react or emote (yet that comes naturally to me). I believe…

  • Training Season

    Hi Friends, So I’ve shared previously that I am within residence life. Summer for us is short-lived though we work in a school setting. So today kicked off the start of the training season for me. At my current institution this is the current line-up: – Week of ProStaff Training – A Quick Week Break to Plan & Finalize Things – Week of Graduate Staff Training – A Week & A Half of Student Staff & Leader Training – Student Move-In & Welcome Activities – The Start of the Fall Semester There is still much to do and less time to get it all done. That’s my quick update for…

  • Vision

    Happy Sunday Y’all! Yesterday, I talked a bit about passion and today I want to talk about vision and the importance of casting it. According to Google vision can be both a noun or a verb. In noun form it may simply mean the ability to see or an experience of seeing something in a dream. As a verb, it means to imagine. This is my paraphrase version of course but I am a fan of all the definitions that Google shared with the verb definition being my favorite. Back in the day I used to have this business card that stated the following: Imagination = Creation Creation = Endless…

  • Passion

    Is defined in the following ways: Intense, driving, or overmastering feeling or conviction (Merriam-Webster) Strong and barely controllable emotion (Google) When you put more energy into something than is required to do it (Urban Dictionary, top hit) Ambition that is materialized into action to put as much heart mind body and soul into something as is possible (Urban Dictionary, top hit) Is simply caring deeply (Dave Ramsey via EntreLeadership) Passion is one of my favorite words. Quite often, I like to describe myself as a passionate person. I believe it has pros and cons. Honestly the cons come into place with the second definition from above that barely controllable piece…

  • Connecting = Networking

    I like to think I am a people person. I love getting to meet someone and saying hi and finding a small simple thing that can connect us to one another. It excites me and honestly energizes me. If you haven’t guessed it yet, I’m a bit of an extrovert. A bit may be an understatement for those that know me really well as I most recently scored a 98% on my extrovertness level in a personality test (I would highly recommend taking it….it provides some great insights). This past week, I had some great opportunities at connecting with new folks. Those both within and out of my current field…

  • Remember to Smile

    Hey y’all, I’ve been a bit under the weather recently but wanted to post a quick note. I have a trick on days when I don’t feel like myself or a bit down. It’s something I learned from a former student of mine. I challenge you to go to Pinterest and simply type “smiles” when you’re having a not so great day – you are sure to be smiling soon. Until next time, I’m CiggyG Post 68 out of 100 #the100dayproject

  • I am with you

    I am bit under the weather today but I still wanted to share something. This past Sunday I had the pleasure at hearing from Bob Sorge and it inspired me and I just wanted to pass this video along. Enjoy & tell me what you think in the comments below. www.youtube.com/watch Till next time, I’m CiggyG Post 67 out of 100 #the100dayproject