• 30th Post of the 100 Day Project

    Hi there readers, Back around early April I started #the100dayproject and I have not been doing my best at it as it is now the 1st of June and I am just reaching my 30th post in this project.  I think moving forward in these posts, I may look into journal prompts to guide me so that the content may be clearer.  We will see how it goes but until next time, I’m CiggyG and these are my random impromptu thoughts.

  • Next Steps

    I’ve had the great pleasure to be surrounded by some great voices whether it be colleagues, speakers, new mentors, family, and friends. In all the talks and conversations that I’ve heard I keep hearing the idea about next steps and making sure that I act on them.  Words that I’ve heard include: Take a Leap of Faith Just Jump Step out of the shade and into the sun Follow the energy I can promise you that God will speak to you when you ask Him questions. It may not be this deep spiritual voice from above but when He has a message for you, He will get it to you…

  • Late Night Again

    It is nearly 2AM my time and being that I am in Central Standard Time, it means that my family being on the East Coast it is nearly 3AM and I just got off a phone call with both my brother and mother where everyone was a bit too alert…we should all have our butts in bed and actually you know be sleeping as we do not work the midnight hours or have that type of schedule.  Needless to say we are all up, whether we’ve been up planning our next moves, watching the latest thing, or are true night owls. I personally love the moon and have a feeling…

  • Rock v Hard Place

    I have no idea why this is exactly on my mind at this moment but have you ever heard the expression of between a rock and a hard place.  At the present moment I feel that I am between a rock and a hard place. The rock being my current situation or better yet the circumstances of that current situation. Things are highly unlikely to change in the same environment with actions moving in the same way.  The hard place is the unknown…it is what is to come if I decide to make a change. For me, it is definitely hard because of that unknown aspect of it which is…

  • Flourishing

    Last week I had the great pleasure to attend a women’s conference at my church. The conference was called Flourish and was filled with great speakers, wonderful messages, the Holy Spirit, truth in Whose I am and who He says I am, and great connections and next steps! I pray that the words of the conference and the energy that God created in me move me forward to the next big thing that He is calling me into my life. A statement that I heard is that I only have one anointing but my appointing will change from time to time.  Dear God, I thank your for the positions and…

  • Day 25: Time to Rest

    This 25th day post is long overdue but we have now made it a quarter of the way through my 100 days of blogging! The title of this post is called time to rest. According to the Google Dictionary rest is a verb and means to cease work or movement in order to relax, refresh oneself, or recover strength. This is something everyone strives to do including myself however when the time actually comes to rest…my body and mind do not know how. It’s like my mind remembers that my to-do list is a mile long and my body will not sit still enough to recover. This past Sunday I…

  • Day 24: Energy

    Not quite sure what is going on but I have this energy inside of me and it feels uncontrollable and I am also somewhat clueless as to where it is coming from.  It feels like it is pent up and I am unsure of what to do to release it. It does not feel like positive energy and I am unsure as why it is here. I had a wonderful night and morning yet this negative energy has me rattled.  I want to breathe, jump, run, punch, kick, dance it out but I am not sure what will calm it or release it. I have a million and one things…

  • Day 23: Start Moving

    Hi! My name is CiggyG and I am a procrastinator!  It feels good to write that out here. Unlike my rice 🍚 addiction (more on that later) I actually want to break the cycle on my procrastinating and start moving in tackling my to do list and achieving dreams!! Yesterday I downloaded a procrastination workbook from MayLiving.com and I’m excited to start it!  I discovered it through Pinterest and I promise I wasn’t procrastinating as I was checking my email (a to do list item) when it was suggested to me. I’ll keep you posted on my progress in the days to come. Until next time, I’m CiggyG!!

  • Day 22: Ennui & A Rock of Sage Wisdom

    The title of this post is reflective of the words I’ve heard today. ENNUI Ennui, according to a quick google search, is a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement. This was the word that was used to describe the vibe or energy that I was given from a colleague. It makes me smile because I’ve been told to calm my excitement in the past by the same colleague. I don’t know if that would be the word exactly that I would use but I do understand where they are coming from. The past six months in work and I guess life as well…

  • Day 21: Overcrowded

    I believe my mind and life might be a bit overcrowded. There is a lot that is honestly going on in my mind and that I would like to complete in my day to day life. From the various commitments that work pulls me (could be 7 or 10 different directions at any giving time), commitments in my life with church, friends, family, significant other, trying to stay healthy and active, and other hobbies or dreams that I have – I sometimes feel a bit overcrowded and overwhelmed by it all to the point that I may freeze up and then feel unable to act in any way or direction.…