• Day 10 of 100: Disappointment & Frustration

    Today would be my 10th day of the100day project of 100 blog posts and unfortunately today was a rough day. I am both disappointed and frustrated. I found out that members of my team have been taken their role seriously, not understanding the importance of their roles, and lying to me…needless to say that the trust has been broken in all arenas. My trust in them and their trust amongst each other.  I am disappointed in the behaviors and actions that have happened. I am frustrated as the leader of this team in what I’ve done or not done that made this behavior seem acceptable.  Today I’ve had many conversations,…

  • Full Day

    Today was a great jam packed day! I started the morning by heading to my church in Carrollton for two events: CovX Training and a Venue Women’s Brunch!  Both events I had to leave early but what I got from them in the short time was great!  At the CovX Training we learned about making disciples and how the process of making something isn’t a simple, passive process but intense, deliberate, and intentional. At the brunch I was able to learn how to make it through in the midst of the storm and get out of it. After my church-filled morning I headed back to work in Dallas as we…

  • Surrender

    Dear God,  I thank you for everything you’ve blessed me with and brought me through. Not everything in our lives are meant to be easy and in fact the moment we dedicate our life to you the enemy is ready to attack and separate us from you. Funny thing is the enemy cannot separate us from you. The enemy will do his best to distract us and at times he may get us off course but you will never leave us. Thank you for being there and I will continue to surrender to your will over my life. Much love your daughter,  CiggyG  ff track or focus and it is…

  • New Experiences

    This past week has been one of new experiences. Last week I played chess for the first time and though I won the first game I’ve lost the 5 or so I’ve played since.  Today my students tried to teach me how to ride a bicycle which was definitely a challenge! They were great teachers but I have to trust myself with the confidence to keep pedaling and going.  In learning to ride a bike you have to take a leap of faith and I must do this in all areas of life. Will write more later but it’s getting late and my brain is tired from chess… Good Night…

  • So excited right now! For those that know me well, they know I love a deal or a coupon or a savings of some sort!!  Well tonight I was able to cash in on one of my deals with Pizza Hut! I just scored a free medium 2 topping pizza and because I love marinara dipping sauce my total bill was $0.54. This is a rather short post but just know that savings make me smile!! Much love till next time. CiggyG

  • Free Write Frenzy – Day 5

    Today is day 5 of my 100 days of blogging and though it is only day 5 – I believe this may be more challenging than I thought. It is the tail end of the day (its a Monday) and at first I thought I was going to write on something about Mondays but with 100 days of blogging I am sure that post is to come in the future.  Instead you are getting a five day free write…that’s right folks I am taking this blog a little journal style and writing literally whatever comes to mind. This may come back to bite me later as I do have some low key…

  • Just Keep Going

    If you can tell by the date I’ve alre missed a day in #the100dayproject and that there was no post yesterday. This may normally stop me in my tracks but instead I’m choosing to just keep going so instead of this being Day 5 this is my official Day 4 of a 💯 days of blogging! As this blog is all about my thoughts and silly chatter let me share my excuses yet also truths about no post from yesterday. For lack of a better term it was just a jam-packed day.  I started the day with some prayer 🙏🏾 and reading time aka Time with God (G-Time or WarRoom…

  • Rainy Days

    Tis the season of April Showers bring May Flowers but we have not made it to May just yet so hence we are in rainy days!! To me rainy days are meant for the following: Curling up with a good book  Watching the storms by the window Netflix and At Home Movie Nights Comfy Clothes & Snuggie Type Blankets Pajama Dance Parties Cuddling up with a special someone  Good Naps Journaling & Reflecting Since it is a rainy evening, I am going to try to do one of these things on my list. Feel free to share your rainy day/evening activities with me in the comments below. Take Care Until…

  • Random Acts of Kindness

    Today is only Day 2 of my #the100dayproject of 100 days of blogging, so I am glad that I am still on it but we will see how it goes come Day 4, 7, 21, and so on… Ok so this post is titled, Random Acts of Kindness. In the past week I have been a recipient of two random acts of kindness.  Random Act #1 Last Wednesday, when I walked into my office was a beautiful bouquet of flowers with a simple note to me stating that I am wonderful and no signature! The flowers are absolutely gorgeous but I have no clue who has sent them. I have…

  • Refresh and Restart on New Goals in this New Phase!

    Hello CiggyChat Readers! Today is my birthday!! I am in the tail end of my 20s aka I am 29 today!  With that said I’ve been thinking a lot about goals, dreams, paths, and just life overall lately so I am hoping to take on a new challenge today (#the100dayproject) and I am praying that God gives me strength to do it! This past February I had the chance of hearing Michelle Poler speak at a conference for my work and she talked about her own personal triumph of tackling 100 fears in a 100 days. Crazy but she did it and I believe she is all the stronger for…