• Happy Birthday…the Big 10!!

    Today marks 10 years that I’ve started this blog!!! Yes, that’s right people it’s time to say “Happy Birthday to Ciggy Chat!!!” I am super ecstatic to say the least! We’ve made it to the double digits and though I have not been the most consistent blogger I am excited to make it here!! I’ve recently been getting back into my writing…for the most part it is old school journaling (you know pen and paper…remember that) which is so good for the soul!! I have some new writing projects and passions stirring, of course including some more blogging so get ready world cause I’m a coming!! Be on the lookout for…

  • Reflections & Resolutions

    We have reached the end of 2017 meaning in less than 72 hours we will be in 2018!! Once we are in 2018 (January 25) – it will be officially 10 years since I’ve started blogging – however quite inconsistently – I skipped a whole year of blogging in 2016…crazy! For me the end of the year is always a time for reflecting on the past and thinking about the future. This blog of mine does not always get my reflections but I promise I do it and have the journal pages to prove it lol.  Reflections of the past As time has moved forward, I have grown and moved…

  • Long Time No Talk

    It’s been way too long and my only excuse which is a lame one is that I let life get in the way.  Life in the past two years and a quarter has taken me on a couple of big turns!  Here are the big highlights of my life since my last post:  Went nearly 18 months without visiting any of my family – worst idea everrr. Became a Mary Kay Consultant! Became an Uber Driver!  Became a member of the great Single Parent Club for academic year 2015-2016 – Insider Joke but my NAU sisters know what I’m talking about – couldn’t of managed that year without them. Little…

  • Stepping Out or Being Still…that is the question

    Currently, I am faced with a dilemma. Should I step out on faith or be still and patient and wait till I have more clarity on what direction I am getting? Have you ever had that struggle? It’s not a pleasant one and yet both options seem to be a solid one and come from the same source at least for me. On the one hand the first option has a lot of risk…I mean stepping out on faith and believing that I will succeed but being ok and able to learn if I utterly fail.  On the other hand with the second option, there is great things that come…

  • Tonight was a Good Good Night…

    Not just a lyric from Black Eyed Pea’s Gotta Feeling but my actual sentiments for tonight. And why you may ask was tonight such a good night? In one word, God.  But since this a blog, I will give you a bit more than one or two.  Today was actually quite a busy day filled with non-stop meetings for my work and running errands back and forth from North to South to Central to North to Central to South to Central campus. I was a bit exhausted but I was looking forward to church tonight as I missed this past Sunday due to work and will be missing next Sunday…

  • Time to Make Some Real Moves

    Today is one of my dear friends’ birthdays. Actually it is a few people that I know so happy birthday to all, but this one particular friend I met back in college freshmen year and we are both grown-ups. We’ve completed college and started careers and our living our lives. The career I’m currently in is wonderful and I even received a master’s degree to do it.I have been performing in my career professionally (ie not a student) for the past two years now and I love it. It is definitely not all sunshine and rainbows but I do enjoy it. Though I love and enjoy it, this is not…

  • Things that happened in my Life during GLEE’s Lifetime!

    First Kiss Spring Break to Puerto Rico Countless Movie Nights in my Apartment with MG Baking Graduating College Went to Nashville, TN for my first ACUHO-I internship! Thanks Belmont! Started Graduate School! Learned How to Drive! Bought my first car! Woodstock Bumblebee Gore! Thanks Anthony! Saw my brother graduate High School!! Lived in Manhattan during my second ACUHO-I internship! Thanks Juilliard! Saw my best friend pregnant with her first child!! Baby #2 is now on the way!!! Graduated from Grad School!! Went to Vegas to get a job! …And also won money on Roulette!! I love the #4!!! Went on my first CRUISE….best vacation ever!!! saw my friend get proposed…

  • Better Days

      The last post I delivered was not such a great day and since then I have had some really tough days but amongst those days there have been some good moments as well. The video above is from this past Saturday, a pretty great day amongst a tough week but even in the midst of the craziness I am doing my best to keep a positive outlook on life and pray for the better days. Thanks for checking in, until next time I’m Ciggy.