
  • So close…

    Do you know that feeling when the next show is about to start in the midst of your binge session on Netflix or Hulu? Or when you’re heading to a new website or app on your phone? You know it’s that moment of anticipation when the little spiral wheel thing is turning….the loading phase if you will. That is what today feels like right now. It’s post 97 out of a 100. That’s 97% of the way there. 97 posts have been loaded over 97 days getting us one step closer to post 100!! Feeling the excitement and anticipation of being so close!! Until next time, I’m CiggyG Post 97…

  • Before 5AM

    Today I awoke before 5AM. No alarm, no phone call, just sat right up and was awake. Like alert awake. I’m still trying to pin why I was up… I wish I could say I awoke and was productive but that would be a lie. In truth, I woke up showered got back in PJs because I wanted to sleep and yet couldn’t, ate, and was just up until falling a sleep again just before a work training session I had. Prior to waking up I had only been a sleep for 5 hours. This past week has been so busy that outside of this blog and the things of…

  • Writer’s Block

    I kid you not, I’ve sat down to write this post and nothing comes to mind. If you’ve been keeping up with me you know that I am in the midst of a lot with work right now so I promise that my mind is running and making it hard to focus. I apologize for this rather short post and moment of writer’s block but wanted to share something as we near the end of this 100 day project. Until next time, I’m CiggyG Post 93 out of 100 #the100dayproject

  • Living in the Moment

    Full disclosure I absolutely struggle to do this: living in the moment. It makes sense though if you’ve read the tag line of this blog, I’m a dreamer! I’m constantly thinking of what is to come and will be. I think that is great in times of planning and preparing for the future but what about the current moment I’m in. It’s important too. It’s funny as a journaler (my made up word for one who journals) I love to reflect on the past and plan for the future. In more times than I prefer I look back and think about the things I should and could have done but…

  • Freewrite Sunday

      Today is Sunday! Sunday sometimes has a hastag associated with it. #sundayfunday or #selfcaresunday This Sunday, I’ve had a smidge of both. #SundayFunday I volunteer in my church in a couple of areas but today I spent time in the nursery with the older toddlers (19 months to 23 months). This group of 1 year olds are quite a fun bunch. They are walking, dancing, playing, high-5ing, and started to talk and sing which makes praise time a truly fun time with this group. Also, for those that know me well…I’m a couponer! I promise I am not extreme but I do have a binder and I learn/subscribe to…

  • Journal Prompts via Grit & Virtue

    I shared previously that I hope to move forward with some journal prompts for my blog posts. A blog that I subscribe to Grit & Virtue and when they send out an email to their subscribers it is always something that is meant to inspire and uplift no matter what we may be going through and recognizing that we are not alone. I really appreciate the emails from them as it includes an encouraging note, some articles that are related to the topic at hand, and then my favorite journal prompts for the month. Here is the prompts for this past month of June which will guide my next few…

  • My Niche

    Niche… As defined by the google dictionary is an adjective that means denoting or relating to products, services, or interests that appeal to a small, specialized section of the population. You may be wondering about the random word of the day definition given above. Well as I mentioned previously, this .com experience is a new one for me and I am so beyond pumped about it. However in most, if not all, of my research plus you know talks with those close to me (cue:looks at significant other) you must have your niche to make it out in the blogging world. Things like parenting, travel, food, fashion, and general lifestyle…

  • The Next 50 Days

    Hi there CiggyChat Readers! Yesterday was the official launch of!! Prior to that this blog lived on and I was smack dab in the middle of #the100dayproject where you commit to doing something for 100 days straight. And for me that was blogging. I started this project back in April and should be near the end but due to some hiccups and life distractions, this is only post 51 out of 100. Don’t worry though, I am determined to complete this project and if my calculations are correct this project should be completed by mid to late August as long as everything goes according to plan. I share…

  • Post 50

    I am so excited to announce that I have made it the halfway point (a little later than scheduled but still made it)! This is post 50 of my attempt at the #the100dayproject of blogging daily. My last few posts have been in response to the 16 Questions Journal Prompts that start here.  For the 2nd half of this project, you will most likely be privy to the following as I try to find and narrow in on my groove or niche as they say: More Journal Prompted Posts Random Ciggy Musings Various Blogging Experiments that I pull from Pinterest Being a writer is one of my many dreams and…

  • Free Write Frenzy – Day 5

    Today is day 5 of my 100 days of blogging and though it is only day 5 – I believe this may be more challenging than I thought. It is the tail end of the day (its a Monday) and at first I thought I was going to write on something about Mondays but with 100 days of blogging I am sure that post is to come in the future.  Instead you are getting a five day free write…that’s right folks I am taking this blog a little journal style and writing literally whatever comes to mind. This may come back to bite me later as I do have some low key…